14. The two sides maintained that efforts should be made to strike a balance between peace, security, stability and development in order to deal with the root causes of conflicts. 十四、双方主张应平衡处理好和平、安全、稳定与发展的关系,以解决冲突根源问题。
Cats instinctively know how to strike this balance in order to time the lapping and to capture the liquid in their mouths, according to journal Science. 《科学》杂志说,猫本能地知道如何保持这两种力的平衡,以测算吮吸一次的时间,确保喝到牛奶。
The threat of a crippling rail strike in Germany receded yesterday after Deutsche Bahn ( DB), the state-owned operator, secured a last-minute court order preventing nationwide stoppages. 德国国有铁路运营商德国联邦铁路(DeutscheBahn)昨日在最后时刻获得法庭颁令,阻止火车司机举行全国性罢工。一场可能使德国铁路系统陷入瘫痪的罢工威胁因此而减弱。
The strike in our factory held up the production for 24 hours. Therefore, there is likely, to be some delay in delivery of order, for which we apologize. 本工厂罢工导致生产停顿24小时,所以订货交期略有延误,我方为此表示歉意。
It is very important to improve the precision strike capability of longrange strike system in order to meet the needs of modern warfare. 为了适应现代战争的需要,提高远程打击系统的精确打击能力至关重要。
If we can strike bargaining today, it will lead to further order. 如我们今天能成交将导致进一步的订货。
The auditor then must strike a balance between paper review and evaluation of the EMS implementation during normal activities in order to make an adequate assessment of the effectiveness of the EMS. 为了对EMS有效性进行足够充分的评价,审核员必须在文件审核和对正常活动中的EMS实施的评价之间建立平衡。
After the strike it took the factory six weeks to clear all the accumulated back order. 罢工之后,该场用了六周的时间把全部积压的定货发出。
The objective in a game of croquet is to strike your ball through a set of hoops in a particular order before finally hitting the central peg. 槌球游戏的目的是按一定的顺序将球击入一组弓形小铁门,最后击中中心的木桩。
That officer must strike out the name of that nominee from the nomination list and adjust the order of priority in which the names of nominees appear on that list accordingly. 则选举主任必须自提名名单剔除该获提名人的姓名,而名列该名单的获提名人的姓名的优先次序亦须据此调整。
Mages of the Adamantine Arrow who master this rote find that they need strike only once in order to fell their enemies. 掌握着这个定式的精金之箭的法师,发现他们需要只进攻一次就将敌人打倒。
Criminal policy is defined as act regulations to strike crime, prevent crime and maintain stable social order. 刑事政策是指国家和社会以打击犯罪、预防犯罪、维护稳定的社会秩序为目的而制定的行为规范和行动准则。
The purpose of criminal policy is to strike, prevent crime and maintain social order by means of criminal penalty and other non-criminal punishment. 刑事政策的目的是打击和预防犯罪,维护稳定的社会秩序;刑事政策的手段是刑罚和其他非刑罚的方法。
It's said that network open up a new field of Chinese teaching, and someone said that network strike the normal order of Chinese teaching. 有人说网络开辟了一片语文教学的新天地,也有人说网络冲击了语文教学的正常教学秩序。
A new kind of non-cyanide alkaline strike copper plating process for zinc alloy die-castings was developed in order to solve the problems in traditional non-cyanide strike copper plating. 为解决传统的锌压铸件无氰预镀铜存在的一些问题,提出了一种新的锌合金压铸件无氰碱性预镀铜工艺。
Mehtods: MODS was induced by intestine originated infection and hypovolemic shock as the "two strike mechanism". The incidence rates of MODS were compared under different experimental situations in order to search for the best suited experimental conditions. 方法:以肠源性感染及失血性休克作为两次打击,诱发MODS,比较在不同的实验条件下,MODS发生率的差异,探索最佳的实验条件。
It puts forward such ideas as "lour basis", "strike up the major tune", "light actively" in order to promote the practice and the reinforcement of political and ideological work. All the ideas are great theoretical contribution in the new times. 这些观点推进了思想政治工作的实践,发展了加强思想政治工作的理论,是新时期思想政治工作的重要理论贡献。
Facing intense competition, Jinzhou Telecom should fully strengthen business, sales, support, service work. And the key factor is sales channel. The one who has efficient channel, will be able to strike first and gain the initiative in order to win the market. 面临激烈的竞争,锦州电信必须全面强化业务、销售、支撑、服务等各项工作,而渠道是销售的关键因素,谁拥有高效的渠道,谁就能先发制人从而赢得市场。
Consequently how to determine malicious overdraft behavior accurately, strike malicious overdraft effectively, guarantee healthy development of our country credit card business, bank funds safety, steady financial order has become urgent matter of the moment. 因此如何准确定性恶意透支行为,有效打击恶意透支型信用卡诈骗犯罪,保障我国信用卡业务健康发展、银行资金安全、金融秩序稳定业已成为当务之急。
If the rejecters use the tool of concerted refusal to deal to supplant and strike competitors or other business dealers in order to pursuit self-competition-advantage, the market competition order could be jeopardized and thus Concerted refusal to deal should be restricted by anti-trust law. 抵制者若为了追求自身的竞争优势而以联合抵制为手段,排挤、打击竞争对手或其他经营者时,将可能对市场竞争秩序构成危害,反垄断法应当对联合抵制加以管制。